We are not made up of ~70% water as you may have heard, we are OPTIMALLY made up of 70% water, and the brain is optimally made up of 90% water.
In my practice, I have found bio-identical hormones to be an effective treatment for women experiencing menopausal symptoms that are not responding to other methods of treatment. While this article has focused on the use bio-identical hormones during menopause, I have also found bio-identical hormone replacement therapy to be beneficial for certain woman struggling with fertility or severe pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms.
Adequate iron levels are incredibly important in pregnancy. Low levels can not only lead to fatigue and other anemia-related symptoms in Mama, but can also severely impact babe’s health.
Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), also known by some as Heartburn or Acid Reflux is growing to be very common in todays society. Most of us however experience the uncomfortable if not sometimes painful sensation, but really do not understand what is going on in our body.
Vitamin B12 plays an essential role throughout the body. Most notably, it assists in DNA formation, nerve protection, energy production and decreases the cardiovascular risk factor marker, homocysteine. Low B12 can lead to certain anemias, neurological disorders and higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
I have a deep fascination with mushrooms & herbs, that have the innate ability to heal the body. Specifically in this case, Cordyceps Sinensis and its role in healing kidney function. Cordyceps, also known as Chinese caterpillar fungus, has a wide variety of health benefits for cardiovascular, kidney, liver and respiratory concerns. It also has been shown to be helpful with low libido, impotence and hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol). All of these benefits are great, but specifically I was interested in its relationship to kidney function and the ability to manipulate testing markers that monitor the progression of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)….